Tagged: BundleMonster


Lightning McQueen….

So as you know this past weekend my oldest son turned 4, and at his request he had a Lightning McQueen themed party! No, not Cars themed, just Lightning McQueen lol. Inspiration   I...


Weaving Foils…

So the big question of the day is: Do the Sally Hansen Color Foils work with stamping?? Well, the answer is…. Yes! I used all 8 colors for this stamping- (L to R/T to B)...


New! Bundle Monster Creative Art Polish…

I’m excited to share this press release of Bundle Monster Creative Art Polish collection! These polishes are synonymous with ‘stamping’ polishes for stamping nail art designs; although the thought process behind the product is...


Spring Daisies….

If you’ve been wondering why it’s been quiet around here it’s because my nails are going through an extreme nubben stage. I recently had surgery and removed my gel overlay beforehand, because I knew...


Magical Butterfly Tutorial…

As promised here is the tutorial on how I created the Magical Butterfly wings from yesterday… This is similar to the stamping decals I made for my Muppets World Tour Birthday Bash mani, but using...


Magical Butterfly…

So excited to share today’s Magical Butterfly mani!! This was the mani that I wore on my week long vacation back to Florida (and surprising it lasted all week!). When I was trying to...


Muppets World Tour Birthday Bash…

We recently went to our friend’s daughter’s 1st birthday party and nothing says birthday like some bling! Luckily, I had just purchased one of the new colors from the OPI Muppets collection, Muppets World Tour,...


Happy St. Patrick’s Day…

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! This mani was actually a test mani I did after swatching ILNP Reminisce. I was playing around with my stamps and thought the mulitchrome effect would be a great base...


Circles in Summer…

Adding to yesterday’s mani, I stamped over CrowToes Indian Summer with FingerPaints Black Expressionism using BM18 image plate….   So I decided to try out a new top coat, Sally Hansen Mega Shine, and...