Tagged: Nail art


Party Hard, Powder Puff…

 I thought I would have a hard time with today’s theme because my clothes are pretty boring but I think these nails came out cute=)  I love this shirt, it’s so comfy!  the “lace”...


Radioactive Flowers…

 We were visiting with my BIL and his GF yesterday so I wasn’t able to get my post up. But today’s neon theme was inspired by [these] amazing neon flowers done by leximarton (on Instagram),...


May the 6th be With You…

 Annnd I’m late again lol, that didn’t take long! However, I did do these on the 4th but I had so much trouble with them I wasn’t able to finish them until today. I...


Flowers Underwater…

Yay challenge time again! I wanted to take April “off” to catch up on things that I wanted to post (like my nail recovery series) but of course that didn’t happen =( …so anyways...


Vintage Tea Set….

I received these beautiful gold lace decals a while ago from BornPrettyStore and the first thing I thought of was a vintage tea set that had gold detailing…. I created this look with acrylic...


Social Butterfly…

I recently received this Facebook official blue nail polish called Social Butterfly Blue and I thought since to is World Autism Awareness day it was perfect for the occasion. I used Facebook Social Butterfly Blue* and...


Follow the Bunny Trail…

 Happy Easter everyone! This mani was inspired by a toy I saw last Easter that had a catch phrase saying “He walks and poops Jelly Beans!” (no lie this was an actual toy!). I thought it...


Flowers on the Water…

For a long time now I’ve been obsessed with one stroke flower nail art, I think it’s bold yet so sophisticated and pretty. However, I have yet to master how to create them. Until then I...


Don’t Taste the Rainbow…

 I thought I’d post these a little early =) Hope everyone enjoys their St. Patty’s Day and remember don’t taste the rainbow!! This look was done using acrylic paints.


Lucky Stripes…

 I wasn’t very inspired by this theme so I thought I would go with luck themed polish names and discovered that Pure Ice has several Vegas named polishes that I thought would be perfect. And the...