Liebster Award and Butterfly Award!… 1

Liebster Award and Butterfly Award!…

I recently received some awards from the wonderful Miss Vee’s Nails(Thank you!!)… Here are some rules that come with the award: 1. Put a link to who gave you the award. 2. Put the...

The Most Fantastic Mani Ever… 1

The Most Fantastic Mani Ever…

This has to be my favorite mani, I can’t stop staring at my nails because they are so sparkly and gorgeous!   You can really see the color shift of Luxe and Lush in...


Fun with Magnetics…

This is the first of my St. Patty’s Day manis and I think it came out super pretty…  I tried to get creative and add some Hilites green pigment I got from TKB trading,...

Nail Update… 1

Nail Update…

So it’s been over two months since I’ve started growing out my nails and I’ve had some really good progress. I have had several breaks but those were due to very weak and thin...

Sephora Haul… 0

Sephora Haul…

My wonderful husband surprised me with a Sephora gift card he got from our credit card rewards points(score!). I was planning on saving it for a Clairsonic but my mom needed some stuff from...

Nails as Art: February….. 0

Nails as Art: February…..

One of my main loves is art (I love it so much I majored in art history).  Which is why I love doing my makeup and creating art on my nails. I also enjoy...

Ahoy, Black creme over Strawberry Fields… 2

Ahoy, Black creme over Strawberry Fields…

This mani didn’t exactly turn out as plan. I was going for a half moon look but I put the sticker too far down and it came out more like a french manicure with...


Techno Watermelon…

Along with my epic birthday haul I enjoyed an amazing spa day. I had a nice relaxing massage, deep cleaning facial(I’ve never had one before), a manicure(never had a professional manicure before) and a...

Epic Birthday Haul… 1

Epic Birthday Haul…

For my Birthday my wonderful husband let me go hauling.  This is the result…. So excited about all of my new goodies!!  PSA: use the code ‘thanks’ and get 15% off, expires 2/29/12...